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ഫലകം:Automatic taxobox/doc/taxonomy pages

വിക്കിപീഡിയ, ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര വിജ്ഞാനകോശം.

This page provides a bit more information about the parameters used at Template:Taxonomy/ pages.

For more information, see Template:Automatic taxobox. There's always someone to help at Template talk:Automatic taxobox if you have any questions.


  • |rank=rank of taxon

The rank of this taxon (latinized, e.g. subfamilia).

If it is not a Linnean rank, specify clade, cohort, total group, stem group, or informal group. If none of those apply, set the rank to unranked. Stem groups (etc) should be located at, for example, Template:Taxonomy/Arthropoda/stem-group.

To use another taxon's rank, specify {{get rank|TAXON NAME}}. (This works for other parameters too.)


  • |link=destination page|text to display

The taxon name as it should be displayed within a link. If the name of the link is the same as the way it should be displayed, leave alone the preformatted code (this will enter the name for you automatically).

If there link target is different to the text that should appear in the taxobox, specify e.g. |link=Cod|Gadus. ("Cod" is the common name for the genus Gadus).

The template will take care of most of the formatting:

  • To italicize the text, set |rank=genus (or any other rank that ought to be italicized);
  • To add a †dagger, denoting extinction, add the parameter |extinct=true;
  • To add a (?) to denote a questionable status, go to child taxon, and modify |parent=TaxonName to read |parent=TaxonName/?. If this doesn't yet exist, click the "create taxonomy" link and follow the instructions.
  • If you are creating a taxonomy template for a species, you could set link=Common oak|Q. robur, but you might be better off using Template:Speciesbox. If you feed this template the parameters | genus=Quercus | species = robur, it'll use Template:Taxonomy/Quercus to generate a speciesbox displaying the binomial and "Species: Q. robur".

Note: Do not enter square brackets or italics yourself; the template will do this. (e.g. link=Common oak|Q. robur, link=Animal|Animalia).


  • |parent=parent taxon

The name (not page) of the parent taxon (in plain text, first letter only in capitals; e.g. Fungi, Cephalopoda, or in more unusual cases Leucoptera (plant) or Leucoptera (moth).

This taxon's Template:Taxonomy/ page will be consulted to generate the next row up in the taxobox.

For unusual cases, such as stem-groups or questionable assignments, see Template:Automatic taxobox/Conventions.


  • |extinct=yes

Show a taxon is extinct by adding |extinct=true; leave the parameter blank otherwise. This will add a † before the taxon's link whereever it appears in taxoboxes, including in a list generated using |display children=.


  • |always_display=yes (or "true")

If the taxon is a kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species, it will always be displayed in its childrens' taxoboxes.

If a genus is assigned to a subfamily, then the subfamily will be displayed where it is needed to provide context (i.e. in the subfamily's taxobox, and in the genus's taxobox), but not in lower ranks (i.e. species' taxoboxes).

If it's important to display the hypothetical subfamily in a species' box, the best way is usually to add the parameter |display parents=2 in the species' box. This forces 2 parent ranks (the genus and subfamily) to display, instead of the usual 1.

In some cases, a taxon should always display. For instance, Template:Taxonomy/Arthropoda/stem-group replaces "Phylum Arthropoda" in some taxoboxes; without displaying this rank, the taxobox lacks context. In these cases, anything in "Stem-group Arthropoda" will want to include this rank in the taxobox, and you can add the line |always_display=true to Template:Taxonomy/Arthropoda/stem-group.


  • |References to list on this taxonomy page=

These references won't show up in the article, but allow future editors to understand why you filled out the template in the way that you did.

If you wish to include a reference for an authority in an automatic taxobox, you need to add the reference to the page itself. You could add it to the article text, or include it in the taxobox by using |authority=; |parent authority=, etc.

Technical limitations mean that we can't really automate the occurrence of references. Not all editors would want them in a taxobox, and if the same reference were used in the article text, it would show up twice in the reference list.

"https://ml.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ഫലകം:Automatic_taxobox/doc/taxonomy_pages&oldid=1133368" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്