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ഫലകം:Chembox Identifiers/doc/parameter list

വിക്കിപീഡിയ, ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര വിജ്ഞാനകോശം.
This parameter list:
|Section1={{Chembox Identifiers
<!--CASNo, +index 1–5-->
| CASNo = 
| CASNo_Comment = 
| CASNo1 = 
| CASNo1_Comment = 
| CASNoOther = 
<!--ChEBI, +index 1–5-->
| ChEBI = 
| ChEBI_Comment = 
| ChEBI1 = 
| ChEBI1_Comment =
| ChEBIOther = 
<!--ChEMBL, +index 1–5-->
| ChEMBL = 
| ChEMBL_Comment = 
| ChEMBL1 = 
| ChEMBL1_Comment =
| ChEMBLOther = 
<!--ChemSpiderID, +index 1–5-->
| ChemSpiderID = 
| ChemSpiderID_Comment = 
| ChemSpiderID1 = 
| ChemSpiderID1_Comment = 
| ChemSpiderIDOther = 
<!--IUPHAR_ligand, +index 1–5-->
| IUPHAR_ligand = 
| IUPHAR_ligand_Comment = 
| IUPHAR_ligand1 = 
| IUPHAR_ligand1_Comment =
| IUPHAR_ligand_Other = 
<!--KEGG, +index 1–5-->
| KEGG =
| KEGG_Comment = 
| KEGG1 = 
| KEGG1_Comment =
| KEGGOther = 
<!--PubChem, +index 1–5-->
| PubChem = 
| PubChem_Comment = 
| PubChem1 = 
| PubChem1_Comment = 
| PubChemOther = 
<!--SMILES, +index 1–5-->
| SMILES_Comment = 
| SMILES1 = 
| SMILES1_Comment =
| SMILESOther = 
| StdInChI = 
| StdInChI_Comment = 
| StdInChIKey = 
<!--InChI, Key: index 1–5-->
| InChI = 
| InChI_Comment = 
| InChIKey = 
| InChI1 = 
| InChI1_Comment = 
| InChIKey1 =
| InChIOther = 
<!--UNII, +index 1–5-->
| UNII = 
| UNII_Comment = 
| UNII1 = 
| UNII1_Comment = 
| UNIIOther = 
<!--non-indexed params-->
| 3DMet = 
| Abbreviations
| Beilstein = 
| EC_number = 
| EC_number_Comment = 
| Gmelin = 
| MeSHName =
| RTECS = 
| UNNumber =
{{Chembox Identifiers}} - (unsorted)
CAS registry number, links to http://www.commonchemistry.org/
 CAS registry number comment
Other CAS RN (unformatted)

ChEBI, links to http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/


ChemSpider ID, links to http://www.chemspider.com/
 ChemSpider ID comment
ChemSpider ID verified? If yes, type: {{chemspidercite}}
Other ChemSpider ID


KEGG entry, links to http://www.genome.jp/kegg/

PubChem compound ID, links to http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
PubChem compound ID comment

Other PubChem compound ID

 SMILES comment

 StdInChI comment
StdInChI Key
 StdInChI Key comment
 InChI comment
Other InChI
InChI Key
 InChI Key comment
Other InChI Key
UNII: Unique Ingredient Identifier, by FDA
 UNII comment
Other UNII

3DMET entry, links to http://www.3dmet.dna.affrc.go.jp/
Beilstein reference
EC_number or EINECS (same usage)
 links to http://ecb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/esis/
Gmelin ID
UN number
MeSH heading, links to http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/
RTECS number

Deprecated, regular name pattern preferred:

  • CASOther use CASNoOther
  • CASNos, ChEBIs, ChemSpiders, InChIs, InChIKeys, PubChems, SMILESs, UNIIs:
CASNos use CASNoOther to add free text
  • Indexed identifiers: CASNo, ChEBI, ChemSpider, InChI, InChIKey, PubChem, SMILES, UNII can have 5 additional indexed entries.
e.g. Use |CASNo= for the first chemical; then CASNo1, CASNo2, CASNo3, CASNo4, CASNo5 for the next. CASNo1 can have a |CASNo1_Comment= etcetera.
The parameter |_Other= allows free text (like |CASNoOther=).
  • To add the EC number, use either |EINECS= or |EC_number=.
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