ഫലകം:Chembox Structure/doc/parameter list
This parameter list:
| Section3 = {{Chembox Structure | CrystalStruct = | SpaceGroup = | PointGroup = | LattConst_a = | LattConst_b = | LattConst_c = | LattConst_alpha = | LattConst_beta = | LattConst_gamma = | LattConst_ref = | LattConst_Comment = | UnitCellVolume = | UnitCellFormulas = | Coordination = | MolShape = | OrbitalHybridisation = | Dipole = }} |
{{Chembox Structure}} - complete list Crystal structure Space group (free text) Point group Lattice constant (a, b, c) α, β, γ angles (don't add the ° sign) Reference for the lattice values Comment for lattice (any text) Lattice volume Number of formulas Coordination geometry Molecular geometry Orbital hybridisation Dipole moment |