ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക


വിക്കിപീഡിയ, ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര വിജ്ഞാനകോശം.
Public domain
This image is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired in Ireland. According to section 24 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000, all literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works enter the public domain after seventy years counted from the beginning of the following calendar year (ie. as of 2008, prior to 1938-01-01) after either the death of the author, or, if the author is unknown or pseudonymous, the date of publication.
"https://ml.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ഫലകം:PD-Ireland&oldid=181969" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്