ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക


വിക്കിപീഡിയ, ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര വിജ്ഞാനകോശം.


[തിരുത്തുക] [പുതുക്കുക] ഫലകത്തിന്റെ വിവരണം

This template generates an abbreviation for reign (or the Latin rexit): വാഴ്ച

Typical example:

  • Emperor [[Augustus]] of [[Roman Empire|Rome]] ({{reign|27 BCE|14 CE}})


27 BCE – 14 CE)

  • With no parameters and two values, the display is:
    • with simple values (en dash is not spaced): {{reign|1962|present}}വാഴ്ച


    • with one or more complex values (containing whitespace; en dash is spaced): {{reign|c. 23 BCE|5 CE}}വാഴ്ച

c. 23 BCE – 5 CE

    • with only a start date: {{reign|1962}}വാഴ്ച

1962–  (This usage is deprecated; use "present" to indicate an ongoing time span, per – leaving it blank looks like an error.) In all such cases, the following is true:

  1. The "വാഴ്ച

" is marked up with <abbr>...</abbr> to provide a mouse-over tooltip that explains that the abbreviation means "reign"

  1. The space after the "വാഴ്ച

" and any between dates and dash are non-breaking spaces, while the values of the date parameters are also non-breaking, in case they contain any spaces. I.e., no line-wrapping will occur anywhere within "വാഴ്ച.  c. 23 BCE – 5 CE".

Additional notes:

  • If a blank first date is given, a "?" will be generated for it: {{reign||732}} produces "വാഴ്ച

?–732", and {{reign||c. 732}} produces "വാഴ്ച.  ? – c. 732"

  • Legacy use (deprecated): If the template is used with no values, it simply outputs the marked-up "വാഴ്ച

" Given something like {{reign}} 1962–present, a line wrap may occur between the "വാഴ്ച" and the first date unless a non-breaking space is used.

  • This template does not do any date error checking like that performed by the citation templates. If you input "Ferberary 38, 200017", this will be the output.
  • |1= or first unnamed parameter – Start date, e.g. "1935", "c. 1205", "37 BCE", "August 1434", "January 1, 2017".
  • |2= or second unnamed parameter – End date, e.g. "present", or any of the sorts of dates used in |1=
  • |3= or third unnamed parameter – Start date of second range.
  • |4= or fourth unnamed parameter - End date of second range.
    • The template only supports two date ranges (plus individual dates, see below). It can be extended fairly easily to support more if necessary.
    • The |3= and |4= parameters do not work in the absence of |2=.
  • |single= – A single date (typically a year) for a short reign, where no range is needed. Using {{reign|single=1872}} avoids the redundant "വാഴ്ച

1872–1872" and emits "വാഴ്ച.  1872". (This is actually an alias of the |post-date= parameter.)

  • |show= a.k.a. |link= a.k.a |lk= – Controls formatting of the "r.":
    • |show=none – Produces no tooltip or link: "വാഴ്ച

"; intended for use at second and later occurrences. This can also be done with other negative values such as no, n, off, false, 0.

"; rarely needed, per . This can also be done with positive values such as yes, y, on, true, 1

    • |show=abbrDeprecated; shows "r." with <abbr> markup, with is already the default output; this parameter does not need to be used.
  • |pre-date= – A single date to appear before the date range (a comma-space will be inserted between them). This parameter can be "cheated" to show multiple dates in series, e.g. |pre-date=1645, 1652
  • |post-date= – Same as |pre-date=, but appears after the date range. (|single= is an alias of this parameter, which is coded to not emit a comma-space if used as the only date.)
    • Use these two parameters to specify independent years rather than a range, for two short, non-contiguous terms in office: {{reign|pre-date=1732|post-date=1735}}വാഴ്ച

1732, 1735

    • Warning: These two parameters are included within the non-wrapping span; if you misuse them to insert long-winded annotations instead of dates this will cause display problems if you do not turn on |wrap=yes.
  • |mid-date= – A single date to appear between the |1=|2= and |3=|4= date ranges. As with the former two parameters, it can be "cheated" to show multiple dates in series.
  • |era= – Gives the "era" at the end. Used (typically with BCE or BC, and without links after first occurrence) when the era must be specified and both/all dates are simple and within the same era. E.g., {{reign|89|67|era=[[Common Era|BCE]]}} produces "വാഴ്ച

BCE 89–67" (while {{reign|89|67 BCE}} produces the incorrectly spaced "വാഴ്ച.  89 – 67 BCE").

    • When either or both dates contain whitespace, this parameter is optional and harmless (and correctly produces the spaced en dash); {{reign|89|c. 67|era=BCE}} yields "വാഴ്ച

BCE 89 – c. 67" which is identical to the output of {{reign|89|c. 67 BCE}}: "വാഴ്ച.  89 – c. 67 BCE".

    • This parameter can also be used for a year, when followed by various months as the dates; it is not really limited to "eras" in the vast sense.
  • There is no parameter for front-loading both dates with "c.", "AD", or another value. This is because:
    • "c." applies to a specific date: "c. 89 – 67 BCE" means "from approximately 89 BCE to definitely 67 BCE". To express that both dates are approximate, use {{reign|c. 89|c. 67 BCE}} or {{reign|c. 89|c. 67|BCE}}.
    • "AD", when needed (usually only for perhaps confusingly short dates like "9" and "32") is given after the date on Wikipedia, as in most other academic publications; the AD 32 style is not used here.
  • |wrap=yes – Permits the content to line-wrap at key points (right after a comma, i.e. between two date ranges, between |pre-date= and |1=, between the late range date and |post-date=). Any value supplied to |wrap= will turn this option on. Does not permit wrapping within a date range, or between the "വാഴ്ച

" (or replacement wording provided by |show= options) and the first date, or between the last date and |era=.

For use in tables and such


Some of these could also be used, for clarity, in lead sections of articles that are confusingly thick with abbreviations and other markup.

  • |show= a.k.a. |link= a.k.a. |lk= – Can be used to replace the "r.":
    • |show=word – Uses the word "reigned" instead of "r.": വാഴ്ച 

    • |show=colon – Uses the word "reign", followed by a colon, instead of "r.": വാഴ്ച: 

    • |show=blank – Shows nothing but the date values and dash, for use in tables and infoboxes with a header that already says this data indicates the reign.
  • |cap=yes – Capitalizes the r./reigned/reign text, for use in lists and such. This should never be used in mid-sentence in regular text. Any value supplied to |cap= will turn this option on. Examples:
    • |cap=y alone – വാഴ്ച

    • |cap=y|show=noneവാഴ്ച. 

    • |cap=y|show=wordവാഴ്ച 

    • |cap=y|show=colonവാഴ്ച: 

  • |sortable= – Only for use in sortable tables {{crossref|(see below for pros and cons of using thing). Uses as a sort key the value of |sort_date= – or, if that was not specified, the value of one of the following, in descending order of precedence: |single=, |pre-date=, |1=, |2=, |post-date=; at least one such date must be specified for this to work.
  • |sort_date= – Provide a custom date to sort by, e.g. ISO yyyy-mm-dd format, or "-43" for "43 BCE", or "983" for "c. 983". This parameter may also be spelled |sortdate= or |sort-date=.

For use in non-royalty contexts

  • |label= – Free-form parameter for replacing "വാഴ്ച

" with some other word or phrase. Overrides any |show= or |cap= values. Examples:

    • |label=in officein office 

    • |label=[[World Snooker Championship|World Champion]]:World Champion

    • Doing {{reign|1653|1658|label=ruled}} is effectively synonymous with doing something like ruled {{reign|1653|1658|show=blank}}, but the former has the virtue of being more concise and grouping the label into the template, in case it needs to be moved.
    • If |wrap=yes, then content may wrap after |label=, since its content may be arbitrarily long.
  • The aforementioned |show=blank can also be used to repurpose this template for all sorts of date and even non-date numeric ranges.

Notes on table sorting


If the parameter "sortable=yes" is specified, the template generates invisible text that will cause the output to work in sortable tables, at the cost of adding those words (read-out, audibly) by many screen readers. The benefit is effective, clickable arrows as in "Col 2" below:

Title Col 1 Col 2
Foo 1066 1066
Bar വാഴ്ച

1510|| style="text-align:right;" |1510വാഴ്ച.  1510– 

Baz 1956 1956
Jaz വാഴ്ച

410|| style="text-align:right;" |0410വാഴ്ച.  410– 

Code Output Works?
{{Reign}} 1207–1272 വാഴ്ച

1207–1272 || checkY

{{Reign|1207|1272}} വാഴ്ച

1207–1272 || checkY

{{Reign |1 October 1207 |1272}} വാഴ്ച

1 October 1207 – 1272 || checkY

{{Reign |1 October 1207 |16 November 1272}} വാഴ്ച

1 October 120 – 16 November 1272 || checkY

{{Reign |1207 |16 November 1272}} വാഴ്ച

1207 – 16 November 1272 || checkY

{{Reign |c. 1207 |1272}} വാഴ്ച

c. 1207 – 1272 || checkY

{{Reign |1207 |present}} വാഴ്ച

1207–present || checkY

{{Reign |July 27, 2016 |present}} വാഴ്ച

July 27, 2016 – present || checkY

{{Reign |1207 |1272}} വാഴ്ച

1207–1272 || checkY

{{Reign |1207| 1272}} വാഴ്ച

1207–1272 || checkY

{{Reign | 1207 | 1272 }} വാഴ്ച

1207–1272 || checkY

{{Reign |c.1207 |1272}} വാഴ്ച

c.1207–1272 || ☒N[1]

{{Reign |1962|present |show=word}} വാഴ്ച 

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=word |cap=y}} വാഴ്ച 

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=colon}} വാഴ്ച: 

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=colon |cap=y}} വാഴ്ച: 

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=lword}} വാഴ്ച 

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=lword |cap=y}} വാഴ്ച 

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=lcolon}} വാഴ്ചവാഴ്ച

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=lcolon |cap=y}} വാഴ്ചവാഴ്ച

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1962|present |show=blank}}

1962–present || checkY

{{Reign |1985}} വാഴ്ച

1985–  || checkY

{{Reign ||c. 320 BC}} വാഴ്ച

? – c. 320 BC || checkY

{{Reign ||940}} വാഴ്ച

?–940 || checkY

{{Reign}} വാഴ്ച

|| checkY

{{Reign |89|67 BCE}} വാഴ്ച

89 – 67 BCE || ☒N[2]

{{Reign |89|67 |era=BCE}} വാഴ്ച

BCE 89–67 || checkY

{{Reign |c. 89|67 |era=BCE}} വാഴ്ച

BCE c. 89 – 67 || checkY[3]

{{Reign |label=ruled|1967|1969}} ruled 

1967–1969 || checkY

{{Reign |label=[[World Snooker Championship|World Champion]]:|1967|1969}} World Champion

1967–1969 || checkY

{{Reign |1267 |1272 |post-date=1275}} വാഴ്ച

1267–1272, 1275 || checkY

{{Reign |c. 1267 |1272 |post-date=1275}} വാഴ്ച

c. 1267 – 1272, 1275 || checkY

{{Reign |pre-date=1265 |1267 |1272 }} വാഴ്ച

1265, 1267–1272 || checkY

{{Reign |pre-date=1265 |c. 1267 |1272 |post-date=1275}} വാഴ്ച

1265, c. 1267 – 1272, 1275 || checkY

{{Reign |pre-date=c. 54 |43 |post-date=37 |era=BCE}} വാഴ്ച

BCE c. 54, 43– , 37 || checkY

{{Reign |pre-date=1265 |post-date=1277}} വാഴ്ച

1265, 1277 || checkY

{{Reign |single=43 CE}} വാഴ്ച

43 CE || checkY

{{Reign|512|514|520|522}} വാഴ്ച

512–514, 520–522 || checkY

{{Reign |1 May 1995|30 April 1996 |1 May 1999|30 April 2000 |wrap=y}} വാഴ്ച

1 May 1995 – 30 April 1996, ​1 May 1999 – 30 April 2000 || checkY

{{Reign |pre-date=January |1=March|2=May |3=August|4=September |post-date=November |era=2017 |wrap=y}} വാഴ്ച

2017 January, ​March–May, ​August–September, ​November || checkY

{{Reign|512|514|mid-date=517|520|522}} വാഴ്ച

512–514, 517, 520–522 || checkY

{{Reign |1= 512 |2= 514 | mid-date=517 |3= 520 |4= c. 522 }} വാഴ്ച

512–514, 517, 520 – c. 522 || checkY

  1. c.1207 is invalid style (should be c. 1207), and it consequently is wrongly parsed as a simple date, so the en dash in turn is incorrectly unspaced.
  2. 89|69 BCE produces a spaced en dash, incorrect in this case because the date range is simple and "BCE" applies to both; this should instead be done with 89|69|era=BCE.
  3. "വാഴ്ച.  BCE c. 89 – 67" is correct because c. (circa) applies only to a single date. Using c. 89–67 is invalid, as ambiguous. To show two uncertain dates: "വാഴ്ച.  BCE c. 89 – c. 67".

{{Reign}} also can be called with the redirects:

"https://ml.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ഫലകം:Reign&oldid=3994598" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്