ഫലകം:Starbox catalog
മറ്റു ഡെസിഗ്നേഷൻസ് | |
Before making modifications to this template, please discuss the proposed changes on the WikiProject Astronomical objects talk page. Thank you.
This is part of a group of templates that are used to display astronomical information related to a specific star. It should always be preceded by a {{Starbox begin}} template. The template can then be used as follows:
{{Starbox catalog | names = <!--Other catalog designations--> }}
where Other catalog designations is a comma-separated list of catalog designations. (You don't need to include line breaks: the field has a fixed width.) There is an IAU standard for the format of catalog designations.
This template can also be preceded or followed by other Starbox templates:
- {{Starbox image}}
- {{Starbox observe}}
- {{Starbox character}}
- {{Starbox astrometry}}
- {{Starbox visbin}}
- {{Starbox detail}}
- {{Starbox catalog}}
- {{Starbox reference}}
The list should then be closed with a {{Starbox end}} template.