സഹായം:To Read in Malayalam
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"ദയവായി ഈ താളിലെ വിവരങ്ങൾ തർജ്ജമ ചെയ്യരുത്."
"Please do not translate the English text on this page." |
On this page we will try to explain how to resolve problems when viewing the Malayalam pages. Malayalam Wikipedia uses Unicode to encode its pages. If you do not see Malayalam letters at all you may need a Malayalam Unicode Font, sections below explain the best options for various platforms.
If you see Malayalam letters but there are too many spelling mistakes your browser is probably not set up for Indic scripts. Please see "Setting up your browser for Indic scripts".
For Microsoft Windows users:
Malayalam support, being part of Unicode, should be readable without any further configuration irrespective of the language on the PC. If you want to type in Malayalam, you'll need a corresponding keyboard - a easy way is to get the built-in Windows 10 keyboard by going to Settings -> Language and adding Malayalam in the "Preferred languages" section. You should be able to access the in-built keyboard that way.
For users on outdated Windows versions (Windows XP or older) only
Run AnjaliOldLipi Installer. No further steps required.
If you have Windows XP with the SP2 update, you already have a working system. The Kartika font which comes with the SP2 update is a decent font. But you need to install any Unicode 5.1 compliant fonts to see new chillus. (See the section Managing Chillu Characters for more details). The most likely reason why you cannot see anything on the Malayalam Wikipedia is that you do not have a font that supports the Malayalam Unicode range. If you can see some letters, but there are too many errors, you probably have a font with poor support for Malayalam Unicode. Perhaps the best fonts available are rachana by K.H.Hussain, Anjali Oldlipi by Kevinsooryan, and the ThoolikaTraditional Unicode font. They work almost perfectly in Windows 95/98, ME, 2000, and XP (especially with Internet Explorer 5 or newer). Please download the fonts by following the above links and install them. To install, copy the fonts, open "Fonts" from Control Panel and paste the fonts in the Fonts directory. Internet Explorer users:If you were able to see some letters, you will need to change the font Internet Explorer uses for showing Malayalam Unicode. To do this pull down Tools from the menubar in Internet Explorer and follow Internet Options..., click on Fonts (button). Choose Malayalam in Language script first, and choose a Unicode font (AnjaliOldLipi, Thoolika, Rachana etc) in the Web page font box. Restart Internet Explorer if it doesn't work the first time around. SeaMonkey (Mozilla) users:
You may need to turn on "Indic" support in Windows 2000. To do this, go to Control Panel in your computer, double click on Regional Options. In General Tab, language settings for the system, check the Indic box and click OK. You may need to restart the machine after doing this. In Windows XP, go to Control Panel in your computer, open Regional and Language Options, select Languages tab, then under Supplemental language support, check the box next to "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages..." and click OK. This requires restarting the computer. In case you are still not able to see Malayalam letters properly in SeaMonkey, you should select the font SeaMonkey uses for Unicode by opening from SeaMonkey's menu bar Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Fonts. Choose "Fonts for:" as Unicode and all typefaces as Rachana_w01 or ThoolikaUnicode. Since SeaMonkey 2.0, its underlying code more closely follows the development path of Mozilla Firefox. Firefox UsersAnjaliOldlipi works excellently on Firefox. To use it as default font to display Malayalam and Other Languages [from Tools menu > Options item > Content tab > Fonts & Colors section > Advanced button > Select "Malayalam" and set Anjali as font for serif/san-serif/monospace, do the same for Other Languages also. Managing Chillu CharactersIf you are still using windows XP, default Karthika font available in windows for Malayalam is not able to handle Atomic Chillu Characters defined in Unicode 5.1.0. But current version of popular AnjaliOldlipi supports atomic chillus. If you are reluctant to use fonts which are encoded with atomic chillus, and using Firefox or Google Chrome, install fix-ml firefox add-on or Fix-ml chrome extension respectively to convert newly defined Chillaksharams to old fashion. For Windows XP/IE 6 users |
For users of GNU/Linux
Note: just like Windows, you should be able to read Malayalam without any further configuration on modern versions of Linux. Use the below instructions only if there are issues.
Malayalam Fonts are available here. For installing fonts open your font folder (For Fedora open your file browser, type fonts:/// hit enter; For Ubuntu open your file browser type /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ hit enter) and paste fonts in that folder. Restart any application that may need to use them. Your browser may need to set appropriate font (Font Rachana works fine, anyway check this page for finding appropriate font for you). Font setting for Firefox browser is available at Edit->Preference->Content->Advanced.
If you are using Chromium browser (or Google chrome), sometimes you may find some minor display errors such as overlapping words or different sized words. You can fix this easily by setting a particular font (Preferably Rachana) explicitly for web content. For this, go to Settings (Click spanner icon on your toolbar), and select preferences. On the current window click "Under the hood" tab, and click the button "change font and language settings" in "Web content" subtitle.
Sometimes you have to update your computer for better display of Malayalam. For that try tricks given below after login as a root. If these will not fix the problem please contact our Panchayath, Swathanthra Malayalam Computing or their irc chat platform (this link will work in browser). A wiki related to "Malayalam computing" is available here
For Debian
For Debian lenny and above, there is no need of installing anything separately. All fonts are packaged with them and there is no rendering bugs.
Follow the below steps for installing Malayalam fonts :
Open command line/ Terminal and use these commands.
$ sudo apt-get update |
For Ubuntu/IT@school
Malayalam font packages in ubuntu are not updated for long . Use following steps to install Malayalam fonts in 14.04 or later versions
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:smcproject/repo |
On versions before 14.04
$ sudo apt-get update |
For Fedora
For Fedora 10 onwards, nothing to be done to enable Malayalam. All fonts are packaged and rendering issues are also solved.
Managing Chillu Characters
Even though new versions of Linux distributions are working fine with Malayalam; default fonts bundled with them may not support Atomic Chillu Characters defined in Unicode 5.1.0. Size mismatch in characters is a common problem. You may need to update fonts as instructed above or try installing fonts manually to fix this issue. This modified version of font Rachana renders newly defined atomic Chillaksharams. Please follow this link to reach fonts, which support latest version of Unicode. You may also want to check original fonts (without any alteration and additions in the above mentioned fonts), they also support Atomic chillus, but has wrong representation of some glyphs and some other glyphs missing defined in latest Unicode. If you are reluctant to use fonts which are encoded with atomic chills, use this firefox add-on for firefox browser or this Chrome extension for Google chrome (or for chromium browser) to convert newly defined Chillaksharams to old fashion.
For users of Mac OS X
Download Mac version Rachana Font and install it. The easiest way to install font is to copy it into ~/Library/Fonts. More details about installing fonts available here.
Apple's Safari may not render the pre-Unicode 5.1 coded (non-atomic) chillaksharangal properly. However, Firefox 3.x renders everything correctly. More details available at MacMalayalam.
For users of very old Android versions
If you don't have Malayalam font on your Android device, an experimental version of Android Browser can be installed to view Malayalam Wikipedia and other Malayalam Unicode websites in Android devices. You can download the app from ML-Browser.
More Info
Setting up your browser for Indic scripts
Download Malayalam Fonts from Swathanthra Malayalam Computing Website http://smc.org.in/fonts
To get more information on how to install fonts, go to this page on the Unicode organization's website. http://www.unicode.org/help/display_problems.html
Additional Help
For any additional help please visit our Help desk. OR, please leave a message in any of the following talk pages:
Sunil's Talk Page • Praveen's Talk Page • Shiju's Talk Page • Jacob's Talk Page • Manjithkaini's Talk Page • Peringz' Talk Page • jigesh's Talk Page