ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക

ഉപയോക്താവ്:Ranjithsiji/ Physics

വിക്കിപീഡിയ, ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര വിജ്ഞാനകോശം.

General information


CERN - International System of Units - acoustics - action (physics) - atom - causality (physics) - center of mass - chaos theory - constant - electricity - electromagnetism - electron - elementary particle - energy (book) - field (physics) - force - gravitation - length - magnetism - mass - matter (book) - mechanics - momentum - neutron - optics - parity (physics) - photon - physical quantity - physics (book) - pressure - quantum mechanics - relativity - space (book) - spacetime - state (physics) - statistical mechanics - thermodynamics - time (book) - unit of measure - vacuum - wave

Physicists: Isaac Newton - Michael Faraday - Carl Friedrich Gauss - Nikola Tesla - James Clerk Maxwell - Albert Einstein (book) - John Bardeen

condensed matter physics - chemical substance - phase (matter) - solid - liquid - gas - vapor - atom - atomic nucleus - electron cloud - ion - matter book - molecule - electron - proton - neutron -energy - density - crystal - buoyancy - crystal - density - fluid - gas - ideal gas - instability - mass - melting point - neutron - plasma (physics) - superfluid - vacuum - viscosity

Newton's law of universal gravitation - Newton's laws of motion - acceleration - action (physics) - centrifugal force - collision - dynamics (physics) - effective potential - force - friction torque - friction - gravitation - gravity train - implosion (mechanical process) - kinematics - kinetic energy - mass - mechanical advantage - mechanical traveller - mechanical work - moment of inertia - momentum - motion (physics) - photoelasticity - physical body - potential energy - pressure drop - pulley - right hand grip rule - right-hand rule - rigid body - scalar (physics) - shock (mechanics) - torque - torsion (mechanics) - trajectory - Vector (geometric) - velocity - wedge (mechanical device) - weight

Coulomb's law - Kirchhoff's circuit laws - Ohm's law - admittance - alternating current - ampere - capacitance - capacitor - dielectric - diode - direct current - electric charge - electric circuit - electrical conductance - electrical conductivity - electrical conductor - electric current - electric field - electric potential - electric susceptibility - electrical conductivity - electrical conductor - electrical elastance - electrical impedance - electrical insulation - electrical power - electromagnetic field - electromagnetic impedance - electromagnetic wave equation - electromagnetism - electron - electrostatic induction - electrostatics - elementary particle - energy density - energy forms - energy spectrum - energy (book) - inductance - insulator - permeability (electromagnetism) - permittivity - quantity of electricity - reactance - reluctance - resistance - resistivity - resistor - semiconductor - superconductor - susceptance - transistor - volt - voltage

Snell's law - binoculars - chromatic aberration - crystal optics - curved mirror - diffraction - diffuse reflection - dioptre - dioptric correction - dioptrics - dispersion - distortion - electromagnetic radiation - electromagnetic spectrum - focus - infinity focus - intensity (physics) - interference - invisibility - iridescence - lens - light - magnification - medium - microscope - mirror - opacity - optical engineering - optical field - optical physics - optical power - optical resolution - photoionisation - photon - photonics - polarization - polaroid - prism - radiosity (heat transfer) - reflection - refraction - refractive index - speed of light - telescope - wavelength

Albert Einstein (book) - Galilean relativity - black hole - dust (relativity) - einstein synchronisation - gauged supergravity - general relativity - hyperbolic motion (relativity) - invariant mass - light cone - numerical relativity - principle of relativity - relativistic plasma - rest energy - spacetime - special relativity - theory of relativity - time dilation - world line

Earth's magnetic field - antiferromagnetism - charged particles - coercivity - coil - compass - diamagnetism - dipole - electric charge - electromagnet - electromagnetic induction - electromagnetism - ferrimagnetism - ferromagnetism - magnet therapy - magnet - magnetar - magnetic bearing - magnetic circuit - magnetic cooling - magnetic dipole - magnetic field - magnetic flux - magnetic force - magnetic monopole - magnetic stirrer - magnetic susceptibility - magnetostatics - metamagnetism - micromagnetism - molecular magnet - paramagnetism - plastic magnet - solenoid - spin glass - spin wave - spontaneous magnetization - superparamagnetism

Ohm's acoustic law - absorption (acoustics) - acoustic mirror - acoustic theory - architectural acoustics - atmospheric diffraction - audio quality measurement - background noise - dB - decibel - diaphragm (acoustics) - diffusion (acoustics) - doppler effect - echo (phenomenon) - echo chamber - frequency - head shadow - infrasound - isolation booth - loudness - loudspeaker acoustics - mach number - microphone - musical acoustics - noise barrier - noise pollution - phon - proximity effect (audio) - radiation of sound - resonance chamber - room acoustics - signal - sone - sonic cavitation - sound diffuser - sound generator - sound quality - sound trap - sound wave - sound - loudspeaker - speed of sound - transient (acoustics) - ultrasound - underwater acoustics - wave

Avogadro constant - Avogadro's law - Celsius - Joule's laws - Boyle's law - Dalton's law - Charles's law - Gay-Lussac's law - Kelvin - zeroth law of thermodynamics - first law of thermodynamics - second law of thermodynamics - third law of thermodynamics - fundamental thermodynamic relation - absolute zero - adiabatic process - amorphous ice - anisothermal - atmospheric thermodynamics - black body - black hole thermodynamics - caloric theory - calorimeter constant - calorimetry - chemical thermodynamics - classical thermodynamics - closed system - combustibility - component (thermodynamics) - compressed fluid - compressibility - convective heat transfer - cylinder (engine) - endothermic - energy carrier - energy conversion efficiency - enthalpy change of solution - enthalpy of vaporization - enthalpy - fermi gas - fire point - flammability limit - flash evaporation - flash point - free entropy - freeze - gas-dynamic - heat engine - heat reservoir - heat transfer - heat - heating value - ideal gas law - ideal solution - inflammability - infrared radiation - isolated system - isothermic reaction - isobaric process - isochoric process - isothermal process - laser cooling - latent heat - mole (unit) - photon gas - polytropic process - pressure - pyroelectricity - radiant barrier - radiation - radiational cooling - radiative cooling - reflectivity - refrigeration - solar power satellite - steady state - steam engine - temperature - thermal conductivity - thermal efficiency - thermal energy - thermal mass - thermodynamicist - thermoeconomics - thermoelectricity

Bell's theorem - Bloch sphere - Bose gas - Fermi hole - Schrödinger equation - adiabatic invariant - charmed baryons - collision problem - density matrix - diabatic - excited state - field electron emission - free particle - grand unified theory - orbital motion - parity (physics) - particle number operator - photon polarization - quantum chaos - quantum electrodynamics - quantum instrument - quantum leap - quantum mechanics - quantum state - quantum tunnelling - quantum vibration - quantum vortex - quantum - relativistic particle - relativistic wave equations - string theory

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